



HR & Payroll:  




Kasprzyk&Wspólnicy (Księgowość, Kadry, Płace, Tłumaczenia, Cudzoziemcy) - Kraków
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  4. ru

Kasprzyk & Wspólnicy

Success comes from the right decision!


 Our team of experts with over 20 years of experience in finance provides professional and comprehensive business accounting and HR/payroll services to both individual and corporate customers operating in Poland and abroad.


We also provide professional written translation services of general and specialized texts in the following subject matters: law, economics, finance and banking. We interprete in the following language pairs:

Polish ⬄ French, Polish ⬄ Romanian, Polish ⬄ Spanish, Polish ⬄ English, Polish ⬄ Ukrainian, Polish ⬄ Russian.


We also specialize in the settlement of formalities related to the legalization of foreigners' stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland.


In order to ensure the highest quality standards of our services, we are cooperating with qualified and experienced partners, i e. law and notary offices. In addition, we are constantly improving our professional qualifications in order to remain as up-to-date as possible with the evolving economic reality around us, as well as to improve our team's translation skills.


Our main values are: reliability, data confidentiality and the greatest specialization of the services we provide, as well as a customized approach towards our clients.

About us

Our offer


Contact us


We currently provide the following types of accounting services: 

  • Bookkeeping services (Full Accounting)

  • Revenue and expense ledger (Simplified Accounting)

  • Journals for recorded revenue and tax purposes (Simplified Accounting)

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We also specialize in translations from Polish and vice versa into six European languages, such as:

  • French

  • Romanian

  • Spanish

  • English

  • Ukrainian

  • Russian

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In our offer, you may also find a wide range of services for foreigners wishing to live, work or invest in Poland, such as:

  • Applications related to: international protection, residence permit, work and EU

  • Visas  

  • Administration and tax related matters

  • Job related support

  • Business activities and companies

  • Real estates

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HR & Payroll

The HR and payroll services we provide focus on the following aspects: 

  • Documentation and records related to employees

  • Documentation and records related to employment contracts

  • Documentation related to contracts for specific work (umowa o dzieło) and contracts of mandate (umowa zlecenie)

  • Documentation related to the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)

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Józefitów Street 3/2

30-039 Cracow

Office hours







© 2020 by Kasprzyk & Wspólnicy.

"A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided."

Anthony Robbins


Due to the constant growth of our company, we are looking for employees willing to contribute to the success of our Cracow office.



We are waiting for YOU!





+ 48 573 170 340

+ 48 508 371 806

+ 48 508 371 806

+ 48 515 198 941

+ 48 532 569 196




08:00 - 16:00

08:00 - 16:00

08:00 - 16:00

08:00 - 16:00

08:00 - 16:00